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Watch: Decoding China’s Economy Present and Future [Video]

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China’s recent economic stimulus package bodes well for economic performance and potential. In the long term, the policy to mobilize “new quality productive forces” over a set of targeted future industries will fuel growth. How can China strike a balance between short-term fiscal stimulus and forward-looking industrial policy as it aims to deliver on its growth targets? CGTN’s Tian Wei moderated the “Decoding China’s Economy: Present and Future” panel, jointly organized by CGTN and the World Economic Forum. Let’s hear from some of the brightest minds in economics: Bonnie Chan, the chief executive officer of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing; Zhu Min, a member of the Senior Expert Advisory Committee at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges; Michael Süss, the executive chairman of Oerlikon and Hou Qijun, director and president of China National Petroleum Corporation.

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