Dream Productions, Pixar Animation Studios’ latest television series – derived from the hugely popular Inside Out movie franchise – releases today on Disney+. Billed as an ‘interquel’ – a spin-off slotting in between the 2015 and 2024 films – Dream Productions returns to the inner workings in the mind of troubled teen Riley Andersen and follows Riley’s ‘dream director’ Paula Persimmon (Paula Pell) who teams with daydream specialist Xeni (Richard Ayoade) in Riley’s dream-making studio to create Riley’s next big tween-dream.
In late October, Cartoon Brew attended a panel at the Fredrikstad Animation Fesitval on the making of Dream Productions, presented by Bill Wise, a longtime Pixar veteran and the show’s vfx supervisor. The show was the final project that Wise worked on at Pixar, and his 30-year career with the company ended last July. At Fredrikstad, he spoke candidly to the audience about his experience on the series.
“[The making of Dream Productions…