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Emma Prusch Park in San Jose to remain open NBC Bay Area [Video]

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The popular Emma Prusch Park in East San Jose is not shutting down despite social media posts insinuating its future is in trouble.

A recent dispute between the city, which runs the park, and its foundation led the public to believe it would close. The city has had issues with how the foundation was handling a third of an acre of land known as Emma’s Kitchen Garden.

“Our concerns were about fundraising, communication, operational practices,” said Amanda Rodriguez, who’s part of the San Jose Department of Park, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services. “We were concerned we had not had an Agreement with the foundation for more than a decade.”

Thousands of families flock to the 46-acre chicken playground and park each year. Many are drawn by the thought of feeding farm animals or playing on a giant chicken slide.

However, due to a lack of negotiation between the foundation and the …

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