Brand Development

Beers With Friends Seeks to Disrupt Existing Behavior with New Campaign for DIG Marketing Communication News [Video]

Dinner Deserves Dinner

DIG, a fast-casual restaurant serving seasonal, scratch-cooked comfort food, furthers its vision to reinvent American home cooking for the 21st century by launching a new brand campaign along with a recipe from its new dinner menu.

Created by Beers With Friends during a 5-day ideation sprint called a “Beer Run,” the work is a salute to dinner headlined “Dinner deserves dinner” born from cultural conversations around being unsatisfied by dinners like “girl dinner” and “sad dinner.” It also celebrates the small wins that make a satisfying dinner a worthy punctuation to the day, like calling your mom back or actually making it into the office.

“Whether it’s ‘girl dinner’ or just defaulting to something easy like cereal because we’re tired, it’s clear we aren’t really respecting dinner. Especially mid-week dinner, which plays a critical role in the story arc of our week. So the campaign is a call to arms to make …

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