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ASU System board chair sees opportunity, progress on the horizon [Video]

Arkansas State University System board chair Christy Clark sees even brighter days ahead for the university system she oversees, and the previous days have been plenty bright.

Clark, who appeared on this week’s edition of Talk Business & Politics, discussed the growth of the ASU System footprint and highlighted new initiatives in progress.

Over the last decade, Clark and her board peers have pulled in three new campuses to the ASU System – ASU Mid-South in West Memphis, ASU Three Rivers in Malvern, and Henderson State University in Arkadelphia.

Enrollment systemwide is on the rise, a huge feat for any college or university in the current climate, and the ASU System is about to welcome a new leader, Dr. Brendan Kelly, who replaces longtime president Dr. Chuck Welch.

“Dr. Kelly’s coming to us from the University of West Georgia in Carrollton, Georgia. He is a dynamic speaker. He is a …

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