Brand Marketing on Social Media

‘Never had an issue with Target cart,’ say Walmart shoppers raging at new models – but customer’s ‘trick’ stops issue [Video]

A WALMART shopping trip often starts off rocky for many shoppers.

It all begins with carts, which many customers say are too difficult to deal with, especially when compared to Target’s.

Walmart goers have tips for fellow shoppers having difficulty with the retailer’s cartsCredit: Getty

Shoppers are venting across social media on a video gone viral.

“Who can relate?” asked one user on X, the website formerly known as Twitter.

The video shows a shopper “Getting a Target cart vs. getting a Walmart cart.”

The Walmart shopper is visibly struggling, specifically having trouble detaching a single cart from a long row of carts, while the Target shopper grabs a cart seamlessly.

Commenting on the post, one user wrote, “Especially those front wheels that remain in a stuck position when you’re trying to steer in an opposite direction.”

Another user tipped shoppers off on how they deal with cart difficulties.

“So, …

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