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Post-SEO: Influencer and Content Trends Redefining Marketing in 2024 [Video]

How to Market your Brand

Are you noticing your traffic from Google starting to go down? Algorithm updates in 2024 have shaken traditional SEO.

Recent Google algorithm updates are disrupting search engine optimization (SEO), shifting the focus from traditional tactics and long-tail informational queries. Founders and CMOs are now turning to content and community-driven strategies to boost engagement and visibility.

At HubSpot, we saw firsthand how these updates impacted previously high-performing articles and pages, leading to declining traffic, reduced visibility, and an urgent need for new, responsive marketing strategies.

As Kieran and I discuss in a recent episode of Marketing Against the Grain, creator-generated content has shown promising results in connecting businesses and their audiences in a way that SEO alone no longer can. These shifts not only signify a pivot in marketing logistics but also an evolution in how we engage with our customers and shape our brand presence cross-platform.

Marketing teams, founders, and CMOs are testing these new approaches to engage their audiences and improve …

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