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Blind Pig Shares Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal Animated Sequences [Video]

Branding Design

Last week, Netflix dropped a three-part documentary, Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal, which recounts the sordid tale of the Ashley Madison dating site that was dedicated to matching up married people to facilitate affairs. The site gained notoriety in 2015 for an extensive data breach; millions of users who were promised anonymity had personal, financial, and sexual details leaked to the public. The result was chaos (and divorce) across the globe.

London-based animation and motion design studio Blind Pig worked closely with Minnow Films on the 2D title intro animation and graphical elements throughout the show. These include composited dating carousels, headlines, recreated social media interactions, website interactions, on-screen computer interactions, and titles.

“From the beginning, orange was a key color, with Saul Bass and Catch Me if You Canbeing references for the intro animation,” said 2D lead on titles Christine Peters. “Composition and character design played a huge part in foreshadowing the scandalous nature …

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