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Lakeland’s Catapult building the next phase of entrepreneurs [Video]

How to Market your Brand

LAKELAND, Fla — New growth in Lakeland and one non-profit is helping not just bring entrepreneurs to Lakeland but also helping them succeed.

Catapult is located near Hollis Garden on Lake Mirror and is a hub for all sorts of new business owners and innovators.

Inside, you’ll find a co-working space, a full commercial kitchen, and a full maker space with a metal and wood shop and 3-D printers, creating an incubator for people to connect.

“So we have people who are in manufacturing, consumer packaged goods, pre-restaurant concepts, we have marketing, businesses, tech companies, all of those working out of the same space. And we think that ecosystem is what really can help businesses grow faster because you might be working alongside of somebody who’s an engineer, and help we can help you problem solve or if you don’t know how to do social media marketing, there’s probably somebody …

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