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National kitten crisis overwhelming local rescues and shelters [Video]

Personal Branding

We’re in a kitten crisis — according to the Humane Society of America.This year, officials are warning of a longer and more strenuous kitten season, which several local organizations say is already creating issues in our region.It’s a perfect storm of factors that play into this crisis, with two of the biggest being the economy and climate change.There’s no quick fix, but there are ways to alleviate the strain it’s taking on your local rescue shelter. Deb Lawrence started “A Place for Grace” around the same time that she noticed the influx of kittens was getting harder to keep up with. “Usually, we have a break from October, middle of November, to January or February, and we haven’t stopped. We’ve been getting kittens regularly,” said Lawrence.Lawrence estimated she’s averaging $19,000 to $25,000 in medical bills each year. Whatever’s not covered by donations comes out of her pockets, but Lawrence continued …

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