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Illinois Leaks | Champaign County Auditor Caught Electioneering On County Computers; Sees Nothing Wrong With it [Video]

Personal Branding

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

Champaign County, Ill. (ECWd) –

Towards the end of the April 18, 2024, Champaign County Board Meeting, County Auditor George Danos apparently mentioned “ethics” in his presentation.

A board member questioned him on ethics and made the comment that Auditor Danos had used the county computer to file his personal campaign finance report with the Illinois State Board of Elections.

Danos said he didn’t see the “sin” in it (like the porn on his computer) and challenged someone to “find” where he broke county policy.

We welcome the challenge – here are our allegations against Danos:

  • Violation of State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (which also applies to all local governments):
    • “Prohibited political activity” means: (13) Managing or working on a campaign for elective office . . .
    • (Sec 5-15(a)) State employees shall not intentionally misappropriate any State property or resourcesby engaging in any prohibited political activity for the benefit of …
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