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What Does Clark Howard Enjoy Doing When He Travels? Boston 25 News [Video]

Personal Branding

Sure, money expert Clark Howard loves talking about Costco. Roth IRAs are a favorite topic. Calling out customer “no-service” and scammers are favorite pastimes.

But it’s hard to get Clark more excited than when he’s talking about travel.

The former travel agency owner constantly bounces around the country and the rest of the world, often with his family. You’ve probably heard Clark’s travel advice. But what does he actually do when he’s on these trips?

What Clark Howard Loves To Do on Vacation

What does Clark like to do on vacation?

That’s what a Clark listener recently asked.

Asked Jamie in Illinois: “Clark loves to travel! But I rarely hear Clark mention what he enjoys doing while on his travels. Does he go to museums? Tourist activities? Excursions? What does he and his family enjoy? And how does he find the best deals on those activities?”

The man who’s so meticulous when looking for deals prefers much more spontaneity than you might imagine. He never buys tours or cruise excursions. He often drops …

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