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🦈🏄 shark tank contender steven watts [Video]

Branding Design

🦈🏄 shark tank contender steven watts

00:00 🏄 Being an entrepreneur requires being into everything and mastering various skills.
02:59 💼 Started first company pre-Shopify era, bootstrapped out of a garage, grew to about 8 million a year in revenue, involved wife in company.
03:40 🦈 Appeared on Shark Tank in 2015, experienced a boost in company awareness and growth.
06:40 🌊 Started Slyde Handboards with unique concept of handboards for body surfing, created strong community around the brand.
08:02 💡 Expanded into launching other brands like a shoe brand and a blanket brand to give back to communities, connecting African beauty with American consumers.
09:35 🚀 Experienced significant growth after Shark Tank appearance, leveraging marketing strategies like Instagram and Facebook ads to fuel e-commerce business growth.
10:46 🧩 Each company is unique, requiring different marketing approaches based on demographics and brand personality.
12:07 🌐 Community outreach, in-person events, and SEO have been important marketing strategies for the business.
13:30 💡 Utilized a variety of marketing channels including Facebook, Google ads, in-person events to promote brands.
14:41 🤝 Building connections, finding enjoyment and purpose in the business, and understanding the “why” is crucial for success.
15:48 🩸 Challenges, like the impact of the pandemic on business, occur regularly; mental health and persistence are key to overcoming obstacles.
18:46 🎯 Future goals involve finding new partners for Slyde Handboards focusing on personal strengths, expanding product lines, and working with Hollywood collaborators.

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