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Rumor: Is Demon’s Souls Remake Ever Coming To PC? [Video]

Branding Management

You probably still think of it as FromSoftware’s game, but Sony owns the IP, they made the remake, and they decide on this PC port.

Demon’s Souls is a prickly issue for From Software fans. While the title is a From Software creation the whole way through, as an intellectual property, it is actually owned by Sony, so From, and From’s creative lead Hidetaka Miyazaki himself, has no control on remaking or rereleasing the game.

The original Demon’s Souls released for the PlayStation 3 all the way back in 2009. At the time, there was no talk of a PC port, of course. Sony was not in a position where they needed to sell their games on PC again to recoup their investment on it.

Even with the issues the PlayStation 3 had, the smaller budgets from 15 years ago, even when they could balloon, were compensated by the high sales, even on what many gamers …

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