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Kid Rock and Jason Aldean Are Not Canceling Tour Dates to Support Trump [Video]

Brand Marketing on Social Media

Have you seen on social media that Kid Rock and Jason Aldean are canceling their New York tour dates? The story, which is going viral on X, insists the musicians are doing it to support Donald Trump after a New York judge ordered the former president to pay $355 million last week. But it’s completely fake.

“Kid Rock and Jason Aldean have responded to New York’s extreme attack on President Trump by REMOVING the state from their ‘You Can’t Cancel America Tour.’ This is a BIG DEAL and a sign of the silent majority rising again!” right-wing influencer Brigitte Gabriel wrote on X Tuesday.

The story originated at the Dunning-Kruger Times, a satirical website with the explicit goal of making conservatives look stupid. The name of the site is a reference to the Dunning-Kruger Effect, the concept that people with limited intelligence in a particular area can overestimate their own abilities in that same area.

The fake article …

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