How to Market your Brand

8 Figure Intake Process For Family Lawyers (+FREE Intake Form) [Video]

If you’re like most family lawyers out there, chances are your client intake process could use some work.

After all, you studied to be a lawyer, not a salesperson.

In this post, you’ll get the step-by-step intake process built by 8 figure family law firms.

This intake system is guaranteed to weed out tire kickers and close more high-value family law clients.

Specifically, we will cover:

  • Copy & paste phone call scripts for your intake team to use
  • End to end intake process built specifically for family law firms
  • Family law intake forms

…and more.

Your marketing budget will go a lot further if you have a streamlined intake process that’s designed to turn calls into clients.

Here’s how to set that up.

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Paid consultants vs free consultations

Before we dive into the process, let’s settle a debate – should you be offering free or paid consultations?

TL;DR – you need to be doing paid …

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