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5 things that are hard to get even if you’re pretty rich [Video]

Wealth grants access to a lot, but even the wealthy can’t just buy anything.

Certain privileges require more than money. Sometimes, that means being in the right place at the right time — and there are instances when your family connections matter more than your bank account.

Exclusivity isn’t only reserved for the wealthy, of course, but the entries on this list can cost up to seven figures if you’re lucky — or connected — enough to purchase them.

Limited memberships, strict voting panels, and scarcity make them extremely difficult to get for anyone who isn’t a billionaire.

Here are five things that are hard to do even if you’re considered rich.

Getting a membership at Augusta National Golf Club

The annual Masters tournament is held at the Augusta National Golf Club.Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

The Augusta National Golf Clubis home to the sport’s most anticipated tournament — the Masters. …

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