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25% of kids are having anxious thoughts before bed [Video]

When kids in the house don’t get sleep — often no one gets good sleep, and this can be common.A national poll from the University of Michigan’s C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital showed 25% of children are having anxious thoughts before bedtime.Dr. Kristina Sowar, a University of New Mexico professor of child and adolescent psychiatry, said there are many reasons why many kids are anxious before bedtime.“Anxiety is not an uncommon experience for people at night. I think as adults we can identify with that sometimes, but for children too,” Sowar said. “The range of what kind of thoughts kids might be having probably varies a bit by age. But often, we know that the nighttime transition and sometimes separation from parents or the dark can be a bit of a vulnerable point for kids. They may worry about things that feel scary to them like monsters, or other things that …

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