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University of Guelph working on new first-year residence [Video]

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The University of Guelph says it will be building a new first-year residence as demand for student accommodation continues to put pressure on the school.

A plot of land, at the intersection of College Avenue West and McGilvray Street, has been chosen as the future site for the new on-campus student residence. Currently, conceptual designs show two buildings on the property.

According to a news release from the university, the residence could house 1,500 students and include a dining hall, kitchen, multi-purpose rooms and sports equipment. The school, however, is still early in the design process and have put out a Request for Proposal for an architect to lead the development and oversee construction.

The new building could open within the next four to five years.

It would be the first new housing development in 25 years on the school’s main campus.

Struggling to find housing

The announcement comes after first-year students told CTV …

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