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Trump Fan Val Biancaniello Cuffed Harassed Voters At Polls [Video]

Brand Marketing on Social Media

Trump supporter and RNC official Valerie Biancaniello was cuffed and escorted out of line after multiple complaints she “harrassed” voters at a polling place and “told them who to vote for.”

Former President Donald Trump has ping-ponged on the issue of early voting before deciding a push would benefit him.

The Trump campaign blasted out a memo Tuesday morning claiming “Pennsylvania Voter Arrested for Fighting Voter Suppression” featuring a viral social media clip they claim shows officials “actively suppressing” votes:

Today in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Val Biancaniello was arrested for encouraging people to stay in line and vote. Election officials were telling voters to leave, without any reason, and actively suppressing their right to vote.

Just this morning, the RNC sent a demand letter to the Pennsylvania Secretary of State after reports of voters told that computers are down, polling sites are closing early and not accepting any more voters, and that their ballots will not be counted. …

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