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Tips to avoid financial stress around Christmas [Video]

Brand Marketing on Social Media

Experts say managing expectations and staying within a budget are key to avoiding some of the most common holiday stressers.

NEW YORK — The holidays are meant to be a time of celebration with family and friends. But they can also bring pressure to spend money on gifts, gatherings and plane tickets home, exacerbated by brand emails, social media influencers and family expectations.

With credit card debt rising and prices for many items still high due to inflation, overspending during the holiday season can add to the financial stress many Americans are already experiencing, said Dr. Marketa Wills, CEO and medical director of the American Psychiatric Association.

“The idea that one is on the hook for buying gifts for all their friends and families adds an enormous amount of stress on someone trying to have a perfect holiday,” Wills said.

But there are ways to get through the holidays without spending more than you can afford. From setting …

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