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This Gorgeous Floor-Length Mirror at Walmart Is 70% Off Right Now [Video]

Brand Marketing on Social Media

There are pieces of home decor that you buy simply for an aesthetic addition and others that double as a functional piece. A mirror is the latter — and this floor-length option, which has been a popular style on social media, is currently on sale for just $60. 

This Beautypeak Full-Length Arched Mirror mirror received so much attention because of its simple trim, large frame, and reasonable price compared to similar yet much more expensive options, and the current 70 percent discount makes it even more appealing. Plus, its minimalist aesthetic blends seamlessly with various interior styles and will remain a timeless piece for years to come. Hurry and add the $200 mirror to your cart for $60 before the price jumps back up.


Trends come and go, so it’s always a good idea to invest in home pieces like this mirror that won’t look dated down the road and can complement all kinds of decor pieces and colors. The full-length mirror

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