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Building up pork demand – Explore SE Iowa [Video]

During this summers World Pork Expo, National Pork Board assistant vice president for consumer marketing Jose DeJesus called Hispanic consumers a key demographic for pork. He tells Brownfield a lot of NPBs marketing efforts are focused on engagement and building a strong relationship.

Brand Marketing on Social Media

New Anchorage hangar built to house two of our largest 737s [Video]

Flying Boeing 737 Next Generation aircraft in the Last Frontier has its challenges: inclement weather, remote locations, the occasional seal or caribou occupying the runway. But with over 86 years of flying experience, we’re pretty adept at meeting challenges. This is especially true when it comes to making sure our aircraft are maintained with a focus on […]

Brand Marketing on Social Media

A Kansas woman’s journey from segregation to equality [Video]

This month marks 60 years since a landmark moment in American history.It was in July 1964 that President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, banning discrimination in schools and public places.Seventy-five years ago in the town of South Park, Kansas, which is now part of Merriam, there were two schools: the brand new South Park Elementary for white children only, and the Walker School for black children, a two-room building with no indoor plumbing.”It wasn’t the cleanest place in the world that I do remember,” said Delores Locke-Graves.Locke-Graves remembers being told she wasn’t welcome anywhere near the new school.”And I thought about that, and that angered me,” she said. “You know what I’m saying. I was old enough to understand that part.”A woman named Esther Brown, prompted by the disparity in schools, helped convince the parents and teachers to walk out of Walker School in protest, including Delores. The parents helped pay the teachers with bake sales, and school was held in family living rooms.”They walked out,” she said. “But then we walked into those living rooms and still had school.”Locke-Graves was one of the six children who were plaintiffs in the Kansas Supreme Court case Webb versus School District 90. They won that case, paving the way for the children to attend South Park Elementary and influencing the landmark Brown versus Board of Education in 1954.With black Americans still facing widespread discrimination, thousands of people attended the March on Washington with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as one of the speakers. Less than a year later, Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, banning discrimination in schools and public places. She remembers her mother’s reaction.”We could have some joy and a relative amount of peace,” Locke-Graves said.More than 75 years after Delores Locke-Graves was a plaintiff in a lawsuit to give all students an equal chance, there are eight panels at Merriam Park Elementary School depicting that desegregation battle. The idea is for current and future students to learn those lessons.Locke-Graves has lived not only to see desegregated schools but also Barack Obama elected presidenta dream she thought was not even remotely possible. But she says there’s still work to do.”Does the black man really feel completely free to exercise himself as a white man would be? Does he really have this? Does he really? Some do, some don’t.”In addition to the panels at Merriam Park Elementary School, the Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center in Overland Park has a permanent exhibit in the museum about “The Walker Walkouts.”

Brand Marketing on Social Media

INEOS Debuts Grenadier Detour Limited Edition 4×4 [Video]

From the Pagani Unico program to Rolls-Royce Bespoke to the Maserati Fuoriserie Program to the Lamborghini Ad Personam, bespoke one-off vehicle building programs are all the rage these days amongst elite car builders looking to offer their most discerning cliental an even more exclusive option. And after successfully launching the brand, beginning production, and getting actual production vehicles on the road, 44 upstart INEOS has announced that it too will be rolling out a bespoke building program of its own and seemingly taking aim at Range Rovers SV Bespoke service.,