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Recruiting new rescuers [Video]

TUCSON, Ariz. (13 News) – Monsoon is always a busy season for the Southern Arizona Rescue Association, and they’re trying to get as much help as they can.

S.A.R.A. has been rescuing people since 1958, and to continue that work they’re holding informational meetings to find the next class of rescuers.

“We continue to grow every year, but the reality is that we’re a volunteer based organization, this is a service that is provided to the public at no charge, and life happens. People have kids, they get married, they move away, jobs dictate that they can no longer participate. And so as we get people, we tend to lose people as well,” said Trevor Dickerson, a S.A.R.A. rescuer.

That’s why Dickerson was so pleased that over 70 people showed up to the first informational meeting.

Attending one of those meetings is necessary to become a rescuer—but it doesn’t stop …

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