Pro Tips for Keeping , Fruits and Vegetables Fresh.
‘Newsweek’ offered readers someexpert advice on keeping fruits andvegetables fresh and reducing food waste.
According to Disha Nayak, a social media influencerwith 1.3 million followers, the first step ismaking sure that your storage space is clean.
Bacteria and moisture are oftenthe cause of rapid ripening of foods,so it’s helpful to make sureyour fridge is clean, Disha Nayak, via ‘Newsweek’.
Next, Nayak recommendsusing paper towels to keepyour leafy greens fresh.
To keep your leafy greens fresh for longerdon’t store them in your plastic grocerybag in the fridge.
Instead, wrap themin a paper towel and place in the fridge.
It will last around one weeklonger before turning brown, Disha Nayak, via ‘Newsweek’.
The same trick can be usedto keep berries fresher longer.
When you buy your berries, wash them in a mix of three parts water and …