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Ohio Sheriff Under Fire for Saying He Would Refuse Help to Those Who Vote for Kamala Harris, Now Claims He Doesn’t Remember Writing the Posts, Blames Sleep Medication [Video]

Brand Marketing on Social Media

An Ohio sheriff’s lieutenant found himself in hot water after several of his recent social media posts stated he would refuse police services to residents who vote for Kamala Harris in Tuesday’s election.

Despite his inflammatory rhetoric, John Rodgers, a 20-year veteran of the Clark County Sheriff’s Office, was able to keep his job as a Road Patrol Supervisor after blaming his prescribed sleep medication for making the “out of character” remarks.

Sheriff John Rodgers apologizes for controversial comments about Democratic voters. (Credit: Clark County Government Website)

The allegations against Rodgers emerged last week after he made several Facebook posts indicating he would take political affiliation into account when responding to emergency calls from the community.

“If you support the Democratic Party, I will not help you,” Rodgers stated just days before the presidential election, implying his support for Republican nominee Donald Trump.

The comments sparked outrageon Facebook, with users sharing Rodgers’ posts more than …

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