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New businesses and restaurants on the way to Saraland [Video]

Brand Awareness

SARALAND, Ala. (WALA) – Saraland’s recent State of the City address highlighted the city’s continued growth. In just a decade, Saraland’s population has soared from just over 13,000 in 2010 to more than 16,000 in 2020 with even more growth expected. To keep up, the city is investing in its infrastructure and adding businesses that residents have been asking for.

“Saraland’s been looking for a good steakhouse for some time, and I think we’re finally going to have several choices for people who like to go out for a nice steak dinner,” shared Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein.

One major focus is improving Saraland’s roads. Phase one of the Saraland Highway widening project has already been completed and future phases will extend upgrades to Highway 43. Celeste Road is also set to expand to five lanes by 2025.

“We’re doing a comprehensive traffic study, looking in detail into traffic in Saraland, where we …

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