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Monkey seized from North Texas influencer had medical issues [Video]

Brand Marketing on Social Media

The nearly-3-year-old spider monkey was confiscated by police after a car crash in Dallas and is now at a wildlife sanctuary, officials say.

IRVING, Texas — The spider monkey confiscated from a Dallas influencer following a single-car crash in Dallas in which police suspected her of driving while intoxicated had medical issues and showed signs of neglect, the sanctuary where he was taken says.

Funky Monkey Ranch, the sanctuary where the monkey was taken, said in a video shared on social media that the spider monkey, named Jorgie Boy by Dallas influencer Brandi Botello, had metabolic bone disease, and X-rays showed tiny fractures after the monkey was taken to a vet.

“I took one look at him and within five seconds immediately said, ‘that monkey has some severe special needs,’” a woman said in the videoshared by Funky Monkey Ranch. “His joints are enlarged, he has fatty pockets around his …

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