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Longtime PEN America CEO Suzanne Nossel is stepping down to head Freedom House WSOC TV [Video]

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NEW YORK — (AP) — The CEO of PEN America, Suzanne Nossel, is stepping down after more than a decade marked by substantial growth and recent controversy, In January, she will be heading the pro-democracy Freedom House.

“I am tremendously honored to lead an organization with Freedom House’s extraordinary track record at the forefront of fighting tyranny in all its forms,” Nossel said in a statement released Thursday by Freedom House, a nonprofit founded in 1941 to help raise American opposition to fascism.

Since Nossel was named CEO of PEN in 2013, the annual budget for the literary and free expression organization has surged from $2 million to more than $20 million. PEN has presided over a wide range of ambitious programs, from prison writing to the tracking of book bans. Each spring, PEN has hosted a high-profile fundraising galaat the American Museum of Natural History, organized a World Voices Festival attended …

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