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Kurt Angle – ‘If It Wasnt For Vince McMahon, There Probably Wouldnt Be WWE Today’ [Video]

Brand Awareness

During a recent appearance on “The Takedown” podcast, Kurt Angle discussed WWE’s ongoing success in the absence of Vince McMahon, noting that he isn’t shocked by the company’s continued growth.

Angle also reflected on McMahon’s influence on the business and stated that WWE wouldn’t have reached its current status without him.

Angle said, You know what, I think he’s been so much of a part of it that it really doesn’t matter now because the guys that were underneath him know the business in and out the way Vince did. I will tell you that nobody will ever be Vince McMahon and nobody’s ever gonna be Vince McMahon. Triple H, he knows the business pretty good. Paul Heyman, he knows the business pretty damn good. We have a lot of good guys that we can turn to and depend on for the business to continue to grow. Vince McMahon may be done, …

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