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Joe Scarborough Slams Gutter Influencers Who ‘Stir Sh*t’ [Video]

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Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough raised eyebrows in the studio by cursing out influencers in the social media “gutter” who are incentivized to lie to readers at “no cost” in a passionate defense of journalism at traditional media outlets.

The MSNBC team welcomed Axios Jim VandeHei into the studio Monday morning to congratulate him on receiving the Fourth Estate award alongside his publication’s co-founder Mike Allen. The focus, however, quickly rounded on a speech he delivered to the National Press Club, which praised fearless and impartial journalism and the importance of a free press while slamming opinionated influencers who are “popping off on Twitter.”

Energized by a clip playing back VandeHei’s remarks, Scarborough led the Morning Joe team in applause before unleashing himself on social media.

Scarborough began: “First of all, I got to say, extraordinary content. It needed to be said. It continues to need to be said when all of the …

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