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iPhone 16 Pro battery life has officially passed my biggest test [Video]

Brand Awareness

One of the iPhone 16 Pro upgrades that’s gone under the radar is its battery life improvements. Though Apple hasn’t put much marketing focus on the new model’s battery upgrades, this year is the first that the iPhone’s battery has finally hit a tipping point for me.

iPhone battery life is a very subjective affair. We all use our devices in radically different ways.

This explains why Apple no longer gives one definitive battery life expectation for the iPhone, instead relying on specific uses like video playback time or audio playback.

The main question we all want answered is: can my iPhone’s battery get me through a full day?

For my uses, the answer has generally been ‘yes’—but it depends on the day.

On an average day, yes the iPhone’s battery has been more than enough for me for years. There were two big exceptions though:

  1. Travel days
  2. Heavy photography days

Which is unfortunate, because …

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