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Instagram Leads Or Misleads: Is Laughter Therapy Truly Effective Or Just A Gimmick? [Video]

Brand Marketing on Social Media

Laughter therapy can have genuine benefits, especially in managing stress and promoting relaxation. However, it’s essential to view it realistically.

Laughter therapy, also known as ‘laughing yoga’ or ‘laughter wellness,’ has been a growing trend in the wellness space, especially on social media platforms like Instagram. Influencers and wellness gurus tout the benefits of this simple practice, claiming it can reduce stress, boost mood, and even improve physical health. But as with many health trends popularised on social media, one might wonder: Is laughter therapy truly effective, or is it just a wellness gimmick?

To decode the truth behind this notion, we spoke to our expert, Dr Nikhil Nayar, Psychiatrist, Sharda Hospital – Greater Noida. Here is what he shared with us.

Science Behind Laughter Therapy

Laughter therapy is not a new concept; it has been explored in medical and psychological research for decades. Dr Nayar explained, “The premise is …

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