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E-commerce trends: The shift toward composable commerce and platform modernization [Video]

Brand Strategy

In a revealing analysis of current e-commerce trends, recent research from commercetools GmbH indicates that businesses are rapidly shifting toward more flexible and scalable platforms to meet evolving consumer demands. With only 14% of businesses reporting satisfaction with their current e-commerce platforms, the industry appears to be at a critical turning point.

In a recent conversation with Kelly Goetch, chief strategy officer of commercetools, theCUBE Research Principal Analyst Shelly Kramer touched on the urgency brands are feeling when it comes to delivering best-in-class customer experiences. 

“The market is demanding, and customers are not patiently waiting for you to get your act together,” Krame said. “Customers know what best-in-class e-commerce experiences look like, and they want them — now.”

E-commerce trends: The push for platform modernization

Replatforming and the move to more flexible, scalable platforms is a key area of focus for businesses right now, for a variety of reasons. Customer demand for hyper-personalization, fueled by flexible, scalable platforms beats old-school systems …

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