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Design Hotels Accelerates Global Portfolio Growth with Milestone Signings | PR Newswire [Video]

Brand Strategy

Signings include Highly Anticipated New Hotels in the United States (NYC, Nashville, and San Diego), Mexico, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, Singapore and Bali

, /PRNewswire/ — Design Hotels, the community-driven portfolio of nearly 300 independent hotels, announced 29 signed agreements and 10 percent growth of its global portfolio within the last 12 months. From the under-the-radar Black Sea coast of Batumi, Georgia, to the bustling, residential neighborhood of Tribeca, New York, each of the new and upcoming Design Hotels properties embodies the values of the brand and the singular vision of the property owner. 

“As we expand our global portfolio, each property reflects the visionary spirit of its ‘original’ owner, ensuring that Design Hotels continues to push boundaries and deepen community,” said Stijn Oyen, Managing Director, Design Hotels. “That sentiment translates to that intangible Design Hotels’ experience – where every stay feels uniquely personal and is infused with the passion of its creator.”

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