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Black Friday traffic jam raises questions about congestion around St. Johns Town Center year-round [Video]

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Some people sat in traffic for three hours while trying to leave the St. Johns Town Center on Black Friday.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Black Friday, the busiest day of the year for the St. Johns Town Center, quickly became a traffic fiasco this year. The Town Center was a gridlock of cars and a sea of red tail lights as some people were stuck in traffic for over three hours. 

According to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, the Town Center and other private businesses in the area contacted JSO to request additional resources in preparation for increased traffic on Black Friday; however, a spokesperson for JSO said “the sheer number of patrons in the area” caused the heavy traffic. Because of this, members of the patrol division were called in to help direct traffic.

People took to social media to air their frustrations, calling the standstill traffic “terrible” and “ridiculous.” According to …

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