19:38 EDT 09 Jun 2024, updated 07:34 EDT 10 Jun 2024
Billionaires trying to build a new city in rural California claim there will be more jobs than households when the first 50,000 people move in.
California Forever has bought up 50,000 acres worth almost $1 billion in an area of Solano County, about 60 miles northeast of San Francisco.
Led by former Goldman Sachs banker Jan Sramek, it was wants to turn the land into an ‘old-fashioned,’ walkable city that could grow to 400,000 residents.
Imagined as a largely middle-class utopia with safe neighborhoods and high-paying jobs, the group claims it already has eager businesses lined up.
California Forever said a dozen companies were committed to bringing jobs if the project, which has fierce local opposition, ever gets off the ground.