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Arkansas’ largest county fair returns to Northwest Arkansas [Video]

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The Washington County Fair will be held from Tuesday, Aug. 20, through Saturday, Aug. 24

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Arkansas’ largest county fair is set to return this month in Fayetteville.

According to its website, the Washington County Fair reflects the hard work of “decades of farmers, business leaders, volunteers, and youth.” Through its exhibits, the fair aims to promote agriculture and develop future leaders.

Admission is $5 cash or $7.50 for debit/credit cards. Children under 5 go in for free. 

Daily Deals

  • Two-buck Tuesday: $2 admission and $2 rides
  • Wristband Wednesday: $25 armbands
  • Partner-Up Thursday: 2-for-1 armbands
  • Family Friday: $30 armbands with Midnight Madness
  • Super Saturday: $30 armbands for all-day rides

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