How Desire Paths can Transform your Branding and Public Relations
How Desire Paths can Transform your Branding and Public Relations
5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads

3 Biggest Mistakes in Positioning & Branding [Video]

Branding Your Business

3 Biggest Mistakes in Positioning & Branding

Working with the former Marcom of Apple EMEA taught me invaluable lessons…

Here are the top 3πŸ‘‡

1. Not Prioritizing Positioning & Branding

– Most focus on features and products first.
– Instead, clarify your why and how.
– Features should align with these core reasons.

2. Being Too Broad

– Targeting everyone means connecting with no one.
– Identify a specific niche to serve.
– Experiment, identify what works, then double down.

3. Outsourcing Branding and positioning

– Agencies can’t define your core message.
– They amplify – but can’t create your brand essence.
– Define your positioning first, then seek help to expand it.

Need help with your positioning?

Join us for an exclusive event with Fredy Osterberger on June 11th.

Learn from his 30 years of experience with brands like Apple, Intel, and Siemens to make your brand stand out.

We’ll have a Q&A session…
So come with your questions ready and get the chance to get them answered by him directly!

Sign up for the event today πŸ‘‡

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